Getting ready.

So a coupla things on the list today:

*There's a major blog redo in the works to be launched by tomorrow, so stay tuned! Finally I'm getting around to making things a bit more organized so you can search things better, and find things better and enjoy a pretty space. And it's time for a good fall cleaning anyways!

*If you are here from Nie Nie dialogues, welcome! It's good to have you! We have lots going on right now like giveaways every weekend, new paper free paper doll downloads coming soon, and some festive ideas in the works.

*There's only a few more days left to order Halloween cards and prints before it's too late! We've got some Halloween cards we're trying to get rid of, so we've marked them down super low so you can grab them before the big weekend.

Have wonderful day! See you on the new blog. I can't wait!



Books You'll Love: Only a Witch Can Fly

Good morning!

I bring you a picture book I love...and know you will too. Taeeun Yoo, one of my favorite up and coming illustrators, illustrated this charming book: Only a Witch Can Fly. Just look:

It's just a charming halloween book about a young witch who desperately wants to fly, but doesn't know how.

Here's an excerpt:

If you were a witch, who had not yet flown

And the dark night sky held a round yellow moon,

and her moon shown her light on the silent broom

and the dark black cat beside you croaned, Soar,

would you too begin to cry,

because your longing to fly?

Only a witch can fly.

So perfect for Halloween! This book was nominated as one of the Top Ten Illustrated Books of 2009. And for a good reason. It's gorgeous!

This time of year has such wonderful Halloween Reads. I will try and post more soon. But this one is at the top of my list for sure! Enjoy!

**And just to let you know, this blog is getting a major fall cleaning and redo. So, it may be a little messy this week as we shift things around. Stay tuned!

Giveaway: Silhouette Art

**Each weekend, I'll be offering giveaway's from artists and artisans with a simple wish that we can all support handmade this holiday season! Enjoy!

Photo credit: Edyta Szyszlo

I am so excited to announce this weekend's giveaway:

A copy of Silhouette Art: Papers, Instructions, and Patterns for Making Modern Heirlooms

Vana Chupp, artist behind Le Papier Studio has been creating personalized silhouette art for about the same time I've been in business. We have been each other's cheerleaders as we have built our businesses, and it's so wonderful to see her with her own book and instruction papers published through Chronicle Books! She has a lovely ESTY shop, online shop as well as a great blog....and have you seen her studio? Drool now.

She sent me a copy in the mail of this wonderful book. It's not exactly a book...because it comes with all you need to make your own silhouette art!

Photo credit: Edyta Szyszlo

Papers, ideas, you name it. But let me tell's lovely.  It comes with a sweet little instruction booklet, with tips and how-to's. It also has a dozen stylized papers, black papers for cutting, and free silhouettes for your own use!

Vana sent me a copy to review, and I promise you will love this. It's gorgeous!

Giveaway instructions:

  • leave a comment making sure to enter your name and email where it asks
  • comments will be closed on Sunday Oct. 17th at Midnight EST
  • ONE winner will be chosen
  • Winners will be contacted via email

Best of luck to you!

EDIT: Congrats to who won the Silhouette Art book! Stay tuned next week for another giveaway!

Recipes: Homemade Kettle Corn

There are few things like Fall weather to crank me into cozy food making. I've mentioned before my husband's crazy gifts in the kitchen, right? He's one of those "make it different every time" kind of cooks, that never needs a recipe, nor writes a recipe.  The end of that is in sight. I have officially persuaded him to write some of his creations down, and I've used my blog as a motivation. He actually kinda-sorta started his own blog. But it's not motivation enough. But since eating is very much a part of my creative process, I figured this was a perfect opportunity to share with you what makes me get into the creative mood. My husband's cooking...which I actually love being a part of. We're two of a kind in the kitchen...well, 5 of a kind. Cooking is very much a family affair.

This recipe is actually a mutual creation. I think I figured it out first, and then he tried it, and it has since become a weekend movie night tradition. This isn't like Micorwave Kettle corn. I actually loathe the stuff. This is the perfect mix between regular popcorn and caramel corn. Yummy.

Now on to the recipe from our guest this week, my husband Kenneth: Say Hi!

Homemade Kettle Corn


1/4 cup vegtable oil

1/4 cup white sugar

1/3 cup unpopped popcorn kernals

salt to taste.

First of all, this post is taking much longer to write than it should because my hands are constantly going to the bowl of kettle corn next to me instead of typing.  One of the many reasons I have not been very good about writing down recipies is it's too hard to write and eat at the same time.  But, as Sarah said this popcorn has become a tradition at our house and I'm confident that with a little practice it will become a staple to every movie watching experience in your home too.

1) Heat a 1/4 cup of oil over medium heat in a large pot with a wide base.  Make sure the pot had a tight fitting lid or you'll have caramel shrapnel all over your kitchen (not to mention neck).  It's best to use a pot with a thick bottom so the heat is more even.  Be sure to use vegtable oil or some other oil with a high smoking point.  Don't use olive oil or butter, they will burn.  As a rule.  If the oil is smoking, its too HOT!

2)  Toss a couple of kernels into the oil and put the lid on.  Listen until you hear them pop and you'll know the oil is ready.  Add the rest of the kernels to the oil and shake the pot to make sure the kernels are sitting in an even single layer.  Wait about 30 seconds then evenly sprinkle the sugar over the top of the kernels and give the pot another shake.  If the kernels start popping while you are applying the sugar, dump the rest of the sugar in quickly and CLOSE THE LID!  You're about to get boiling oil exploding all over you.  It is VERY important that from here on out you open the lid away from you and only open it as little as possible.

3)  Depending on the temperature of your oil you'll have about a minute before the kernals start popping.  I usually reduce my heat at this point to between medium and medium low.  For the first minute or so just giving the pot a good shake will keep the kernals from burning.  And once the popping starts, you'll want to shake the pot frequently back and forth every 10 seconds or so.  The actual technique of the shaking will vary depending on your pot and the stove you use...but with practice you'll get the feel for it.  As the popping starts to slow I like to slip in some large cooking chopsticks under the lid and give it a stir.  You could use the handle of a long wooden spoon.  Don't use anything plastic.  The oil is super hot and will melt it!  Good-bye favorite spatula: I will forever mourn you:(

4)  As the popping starts to wind down I stir the popcorn and check the bottom to see if I've got most of the kernels popped.  If not, back on th heat it goes.  If it looks mostly done I take it off the heat and give it a sprinkling of salt.  I like to use kosher salt because I find its a bit sweeter and softer than iodized salt.  The popcorn will stick together a bit, but as you stir it will cools and break apart.  Pour it in a bowl and watch it disapear before your movies opening credits finish rolling.

Trouble shooting:

1)  My popcorn burns:  Your oil is too hot and you need to stir the kernels on the bottom a little bit more.

2)  The corn won't pop or is small when it pops:  Your corn is old.  Popcorn has to have a certain internal humidity to work.  If it's old, throw it out and get some fresh stuff from the store.

3)  Everyone ate it when I was washing the pot: Hey! You've got a clean pot -make more!!!!

Enjoy, and I promise more yummy dishes will be following this holiday seasons.


UPDATE: Over Christmas, we got this handy piece of equipment. No concerns about hot oil. It makes homemade kettle corn in 5 minutes!

What can you see?

Always watch where you are going. Otherwise, you may step on a piece of the Forest that was left out by mistake.A. A. Milne

My sentiments exactly this morning. Watch closely. Observe simply. You never know what other worlds are existing right around you: real or imaginary.

Happy Wednesday!

Oh, and P.S: There's a Guest blogger tomorrow. I'm super excited. Stay tuned!

Colors of Harvest

Colors. Everywhere. Here are the colors I'm seeing lately. Don't you just love this time of year? Outside, everyday moments...but so full of color. Happy Harvest season everyone!

And thanks again for all who participated in the giveaway! Remember to come back next weekend for another round of goodies!



Birthday Giveaway!

It's Party Time!

Remember how October is a special month in these parts? It's the month I started my little shop here, and so this weekend I'm having a party.

But even better than that, we're going to be starting a Holiday Tradition on the blog with giveaway's every weekend until Christmas. How's that for fun?

So, to start off the celebrations, I'm offering a giveaway this weekend! And guess what walked into the shop just now....

The 2011 Calendar!

Yes, we'll still be offering the "Her Month by Month" Calendar that so many of you have loved. But this year, I'm bringing in a new one. And it's called:

The Best of Sarah Jane Calendar: Featuring 12 images from Sarah Jane Studios. I can't say they include all my favorites, but I think you are going to be super happy with it.


  • FOUR winners this time!
  • 1st winner: $50 gift card to the shop
  • 2nd-4th winner: FREE calendar and card of your choice
  • Enter a comment below to be eligible!
  • Make sure to leave an email address in your comment so that I can reach you!
  • Giveaway ENDS Sunday night at Midnight EST

And this will be a random drawing, so no need to out comment someone...although super nice and funny comments are always welcome.

So, I know you all just shared your opinions on the photoshoot...but I think you'll be happy to comment again to enter into the drawing.

And speaking of the you guys! Thanks for all your comments! It’s kinda strange to have so many people comment on my face, but hey. We’re all friends here, right? I think there was one comment that said something like: “You have guts to have people comment on your picture” and yes. I have guts. And I am glad I put it up there….so thanks! In the end, I think I have to agree with the majority of you and say it’s between 1,3 & 6. I think 3?s the best…so that’s what I’ll be sticking with for the book!

And remember! This is the first of a series of giveaways! So check back every Saturday morning to see what's being offered!

Happy Weekend!

**And Again: this blog will be under construction for a bit. Watch things get cleaned up....but don't mind the mess:)

EDIT: And the winners are: Karin, Stephanie, Elizabeth, and Sophie! You have been emailed with the info. Congrats!


So last week my dearest friend and favorite photographer came over to take some pictures of me....and boy, let me tell you: I hate getting my picture taken! Ugh. It's something about that glassy lens that makes me think things like, "Is there stuff between my teeth?" And it's really hard to look natural when you are thinking of broccoli or the likes.

But here's the thing: I have to pick a picture for my publishers to post on the web page...Ya, it's feeling a bit more official now. I'll have a picture of me on this web page? Pinch me.

So, I'm posting some options.  I can't decide, and I'd love some help.

What do you think? Pick a number...any number.

Thanks you guys. This is honestly the first time I've taken pictures of myself in years...and I hope I don't have to any time soon! I much prefer to be on the other side of the camera!