Whew! I have gotten through my Christmas shipping, and I am on a break to enjoy my family. It has been a really fun two months, but I am really looking forward to having more time to add some things to my shop. I am not shipping anything out until Jan 2nd, which will give me some fun family time and fun drawing time! Thanks for all of you who commented on the last post! That was so fun to read...I can't wait to see what comes next!

Since I blogged last, Kenneth and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary. I have to say ( and this is saying a lot) it was our best yet. We opted out of a hotel overnight and a fancy dinner, and ate in. We (well, Kenneth), made chipino...true San Francisco Style. WOW! it was the BEST I have ever had. Muscles, clams, shrimp, scallops, halibut, monk fish all stewed together in a killer broth served with sourdough bread. Ladies...if you haven't married yet...marry a cook. It's a great set up! We also managed to spend the morning with the King Singers performing their Christmas tour with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Laughter and tears...wow!!! The best day ever!
These past few days have been delightful! Addie and Ian are catching on for the first time as to what Christmas is all about. Addie says in her bedtime prayers: "Please bless Jesus to have a good birthday". It is so cute.
We have been making snowflakes, Christmas ornaments, gingerbread houses, playing in the snow, reading Christmas stories (Addie was a little worried about the Grinch and his awful behavior, until the end when Cindy Lou-who was very happy that all the presents were back). Christmas movies have been a hit...Addie, upon watching the musical numbers on White Christmas for the first time, turned to Kenneth who was snuggling next to her and exclaimed "OH! Daddy, I love you so much!" (with the tone of "thanks so much for buying this movie for me...I am a complete person now!") Addie is the born dancer in the family (well, not counting Kenneth).

We have been doing a lot more crafts this month. Ian painted for the first time, and lets just say...He found a new way to express his artistic side.

Addie, being the "follow the rules" type, never knew that you could paint on more than just paper! After looking over at Ian, she immediately began to copy. Who would have thought that body painting was so much more fun! The tub experience following was even more of a riot. BLUE bath time.

Head to toe, wall to floor. It was so worth it!

They learned about Santa Clause this month also. We live in a condo which doesn't have a chimney of course. We told the kids that Santa comes through the front door to bring us presents on Christmas Eve. Well, Addie, not knowing when Christmas Eve is, told Ian the other day (who loves to play on the mat in front of the front door) "HURRY!!! MOVE AWAY!! you are going to get hurt and bonked on the head! Santa is coming!!!" Ian hasn't played in front of the door since.

Christmas Songs: Oh, this is a fun one. They know them all by heart. Even Ian, our little low-pitched (is he on pitch?) singer LOVE to sing "angels we have heard on high" with the runs and everything. Today in church, Kenneth was leading the music. I was having a little wrestle with Ian, and Addie escaped up to the stand where Kenneth was conducting the congregation. Well, Addie stood right beside him, opened up her little hymn book and starting singing "Glory to God in the highest!!! Peace on earth good will to men!!!!" It was all just too darling, until He picked her up to take her back to her seat, upon which she started screaming. He was ruining her performance! Come on now!
Well, I am vowing to blog more. I will post pics of our Christmas events. Let the festivities begin! This actually will be the most quiet Christmas we have had since we were married 7 years ago. We are staying home for Christmas...no travel (our parents live on opposite sides of the country), no school deadlines (Kenneth graduated with his masters in the spring), no performances (I played "Mary" in the musical production "Savior of the World" for three Christmases in a row), and no pregnancies (I was in pre-term labor with both Addie and Ian over the Christmas holiday in 2004 and 2005). Yay! We are looking forward to a cozy Christmas.