BOOK OF THE WEEK: Baabwaa & Wooliam

This is a new book out this fall, and I couldn't be more in love!

The subtitle alone hooked me: A Tale of Literacy, Dental Hygiene, and Friendship

This book is about two sheep friends who knit and read (Sounds kind of boring, but they like it) who decide to have more adventure in their life. On their adventure, they encounter a wolf, and I won't say any more than that...but it's so CLEVER! And funny. And a wonderful read-aloud. 

The illustrations are done by my favorite Melissa Sweet (caldecott medalist and just pure delight!). It's fresh, witty, and charming all the same time. 

I love me a good "bedtime" book. One that has kind of that...Once upon a time...feeling. And this is one of those. A clever and classic addition to your library! 

CLICK HERE to purchase. 
