Coming soon

It's here! It's finally here. Spring Quilt Market. We're packing and painting, sewing and stitching....and we're heading out in a pink and navy ship (I wish!) on Monday. Ouch. Monday? Lots to do until then...but I'm really looking forward to telling you all about this collection. To be fair to all the stores who are privy to first peeks, I'm going to be sharing it ALL with you the week of week.

And I'm like doing the potty dance in excitement...ready to spill the beans.

(photo courtesy of April Rosenthal)

This time last year, I had no idea what I had gotten myself into! I was ready to launch Children at Play, and being so super excited about it, we just dove into the Quilt Market scene head first, ready to see how the fabric world would take on. And we were so excited. Kenneth and I both love working on projects together, and with his set building love, and my love for designing spaces, we might be having just as much...if not more fun than last year!

It's really crazy what so many people put into making a booth at market. It's rather addictive for Kenneth and I, and maybe it's because we just love being able to tell a story behind the designs. Making a space that feels like home, and inspires childhood fancies. But oh the hours invested:) Going to bed at midnight feels like an early nighter. Yikes!

But our spirits are good...and our kids are so amazing, and have loved being part of "Mommy's fabric." I live for their excitement! And they really are my best taste-testers. I try out my ideas on them, and see how they take! Perfect little guinea pigs.

Gosh I love what I do.

It's a quest to find all the right thrifted pieces to reuse, and make new again for the show. It's so fun! Maybe cause it's like designing a space where you are forced to do it fast, and inexpensively....but with a very strong theme around it. That sounds like an awesome HGTV show...maybe I'll pitch a trailer.

So much of telling a fabric story is setting the feel, and this booth has honestly been so fun to put together. Late nights and all!

And with having fabric 2 weeks to put on a show, it's of course necessary to get help...and I can't wait to show you what I've created with the help of so many super-amazing talented people!

So, this is your LAST TEASER!

Next time I'm on here, you're going to be seeing the REAL thing. I can't even wait to show!! I feel a little like Willie Wonka, waiting to open the door to what's been in my head the past few months. I really hope you like it. It's going to be so much fun to see what you all create!

So, I'm coming back with lots to share...and I need some time to gather it all up and tell a very wonderful story.

Are you as excited as I am?

See you next week!

