Smart Creative Women

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Good Morning!

I'm super thrilled to introduce to you a new wonderful friend, Monica Lee. She is amazing. She has launched a site called Smart Creative Women where she video interviews women who have marked their path in some way in their respective creative businesses. She herself is a textile and paper designer, and has dedicated this new phase of her life to making available the advice and stories of women who have been able to make a business out of their creative calling! She has created such a great resource for so many of us!

The interview is 45 minutes long and we talk about my personal path to what I'm doing now, and the ups and downs along the way...which hopefully includes some inspiration and advice for those looking for it! My one disclaimer is that my computer (at the time) only reveals the parts of wall that are currently blah and uncovered (sorry! boring:) But it's a great interview and Monica is actually the smart one because she is the one that gets to learn from amazing women like Dena Designs, Amy Butler, Betz White, Khristian Howell, etc. I've learned so much from listening to her interviews! So, so worth it!

Thank you Monica for the great morning together!
