Today was one of those really productive days. The kids had a long drawn out daddy-kid date complete with petting cows, playing in a thunderstorm and swimming in the pool. Not at the same time, mind you. I, on the other hand, had the entire day to myself. This doesn't happen a lot. And when it out! The Mama goes crazy. In the studio of course. With paper and ink. Don't get any wild ideas.
On the agenda is illustration. The kind I can really only do with no interuptions. The kind that is like the dumping and explosion of ideas I've had in my head since the last time I had a visual dumping in my sketch book. It's nice. And in short breaks I allow myself on these illustration marathons, I discovered (well, I actually did something about my long-time-ago discovery) Instagram.
Bing! Now I can keep you up to date a little better with what's going on in the studio! You know...Peeping-Tom style. So if you aren't hanging out with me on Twitter or Facebook, please do! I'm on there every day, with little bits and pieces of what's going on behind the scenes. I'd love to show you pics of the new studio. The picture above is in the shipping room, which we are retrofitting for more fabric type stuff. More on that later...but speaking of fabric...

Some of you are starting to get it in your sweet little mailboxes! Which means, it's time to start keeping track of each other's projects!

Here's some pictures from Heather and Megan from Quilt Story. They got theirs in yesterday, and Wow! They've already started quilting! It's going to be so fun to see all your gorgeous projects. So, in preparation, I've added some FLICKR groups so that we can all keep up with the projects we're making.
So, come and join here and be ready! Sign up and we'll have a party. A really fun Children at Play sewing party:
Sarah Jane: Children at Play Flickr Group
Sarah Jane: Embroidery Flickr Group
Sarah Jane: Prints Flickr Group (for the non-sewing/art on the wall photos!)
So there is a list coming of all the stores you can find Children At Play...I promise. I am getting emails daily begging for a list of where you all can get it. I hope to have that in the next couple days! BUT....if you know of where, or if you are a shop...PLEASE comment below. So far, I know Fat Quarter Shop does, Hawthorne Threads, Hancocks of Paducah, and lots more...I just don't know for sure yet. It's shipping this week, and some stores have it, and some stores don't yet. So if YOU have any more info...let's share and be friends. Just comment below, and I'll add it to my list.
Well, knock yourselves out and have a blast!