
There have been some changes around the studio, and since I've been running around I haven't even had a moment to blog about them!

Where do I start....

The Short Version:

Sarah Jane Studios is now an in-home, 4 person operation...the 4th person being my lovely husband-manager.

The Long Version:

18 months ago (or so) I was at a point where I had to make some big decisions. We were trying to sell our condo, we were living in very tight-spaced temporary housing, having our 3rd baby, house hunting with the intentions of moving into our first home at any moment. I was also illustrating my first book, going through post-partum depression (though I didn't realize it) and a whole bunch of other little things that all added up to having zero (no make that negative) time to run Sarah Jane Studios.

I really didn't want to quit. But my family (and my sanity) came first. So I was ultimately willing to. But then I had an idea that saved the day. I hired Emily....the queen manager who came in and basically took over the management and business side of it all. And it was amazing. She ran the show, if you have ever emailed me and gotten her, you know she held the reins and made this studio run. She did such an amazing job while I moved, remodeled a house, had baby #3 (and Ooooooh...she was so cute! I digress....), finished my first picture book and designed a 20 design piece fabric line. She ran it all. Not only that, but she moved Sarah Jane Studios over to her home where  she set up an entire shipping room. It was the best set up!

But, the time has come for me to bring Sarah Jane Studios back home, and make it a family operation! Emily kept this business going when my only other option was to quit. And I am so incredibly grateful! But my husband and I have moved everything back home and are planning on growing Sarah Jane Studios together! I'm really it gives me more excuses to spend time with my favorite person. He's pretty wonderful if you ask me. So, you may have already noticed an email from him...but if you haven't....please say hello!

With the transition of switching Kenneth in and moving the shop, PLEASE forgive us if we've missed an email, or messed up an order. There have been a couple hiccups...and hopefully we've worked out the kinks! But please tell us if we've goofed....little mistakes are always bound to happen during transition times!

So, that's the story. Then end.

But on a more personal note, I just have to say how blessed I've been to do this all.

People ask me, "How do you do it? Design, illustrate, run a business, raise three kids who are home all day..."

Well, the short answer is: I don't.

I don't do it all. I'm with my kids all day, and stay up late at night. I don't have a beautiful laundry room...although I dream of one. Currently as I write this, my sink is full of dishes and I have no intentions of finishing them tonight! But, I have a wonderful family and we all work together to make this happen. I've really had so much help. An amazing husband who helps with the kids, the cooking and the dishes when I need it. Friends who love to trade play dates. Family who support and believe in what I'm doing. It all adds up to just that: a lot of hard work and support along the way.

And while I'm on that note, I just have to say thanks to all you who have been with me from the start. I really read all your comments, try to comment back and email you when I can! I started this business with my just putting up my art to get some feedback....and so I am rather sentimental when it comes to the journey I've been on. I value your support so much!

Sarah Jane Studios has a lot of wonderful things coming this spread the word and come back often. There's new fabric (lots of it by the way), a book, more designs and other wonderful goodies to be had this year. I can't wait!

And also, we  really value your suggestions. A lot of you have taken the time to email and let us know what you'd like to see....and that means a lot. We love hearing your feedback! So thank you!

And yes...I'll be taking pictures of the new space soon enough....still need to get that darn camera....

signing out...and back to work....


sarah jane