Inspiring spaces & some excuses

Let it be known that I have officially let my email inbox tower beyond reason (Sarah Cynthia Sylvia stout hights) and my house it currently a tornado zone. Well, there is usually an element of tornado-ness on a daily basis, but we have now reached danger zone. The move is under way, and is going slowly but surely as we are also remodeling the new place before we move in. I am so thrilled. We are loving the neighbors and the neighborhood. The new house is getting a new fresh coat of paint (no more purple red and green walls) and it's all starting to come together. The art studio is coming along, and should be done this week!

That said.....

If you have been trying to email me, I WILL respond. I promise. I am just super behind! And if you are thinking that the blog will slow won't I still have some pretty exciting things going on behind the scenes. Things don't ever really slow down here. The book is nearly done, and there are some fun shop updates coming soon!

In the mean time, I am dreaming about these spaces, how lovely they are, and the reality that I will have a place to call my own soon.

Oh, and Happy St. Pat's! Corn beef and cabbage on the menu tonight....yum.
