Lilipinso and Co.

So yesterday I picked up the mail on the way home: ho, hum, bills, yucky junk mail...Oh WOW! My art is up and running in France! Lilipinso and co. is a children's wall art company, and their stuff is SO fun and whimsical. I was so flattered when they contacted me about licensing some of my prints. Their work is all reproduced on canvas, and looks stunning. The catalog is chalk full of artists who I wish I could just hag out with in their studios. Very French, very European...I love it. Here you can see my LOVE bunnies, as well as my other French animal prints.

I love how they made vinyl stickers with my little 'love' bunnies. These prints have been in the shop for a little bit, and they are just my favorite. They look SO great on the walls. They haven't been as popular for some reason (maybe it is the square shape...harder to find frames) but I just love them.

And you can even see the pictures for display in one of their display rooms. I was so happy they picked mine! The photo doesn't really show you very well, but they look super-duper cute!

Here is the link to the website, and here is the link to the new 2009 Catalog (I'm on page 10). They don't have all their new work up online yet, but the catalog is available on their site. Have a look...and start wishing you were living in France. (I do!) Happy Wednesday!