I am out of the studio enjoying much needed time with parents and family, but I couldn't leave Happy Site Friday empty today! I am so excited to introduce to you an incredible new magazine that will inspire you to live the everyday, simple moments to their fullest. SEEING THE EVERYDAY is new to the shelves, but is getting wide spread attention because of their simple focus on "the daliy interactions taking place at home." Taking great care to reveal the detailed ingredients that makes a home beautiful, warm, loving and whole. One of my favorite quotes is "The most important work we will ever do is within the walls of our own home" (Harold B. Lee)  and this magazine takes you into those rooms and corners where memories are made, and moments are lived. Stunning photography, beautiful personal accounts, endless quotes, and illustrated pages leave you thinking that it really WAS worth your time to clean the kitchen with your boys today. Or let your daughter crack the eggs for the first time. Or being up in the night with your autistic son. REAL life. REAL living. REAL pages. And, AMAZING! There are NO advertisements and the pages are matted so you really feellike you are carrying around a keepsake. you will LOVE this! I wish wish wish I could send each of you a copy, but I will leave a few quotes I find inspiring this morning:
"It is not about making a cake, dinner or any number of important things...It is, however, about making a child. A unique, one of a kind, significant individual" Lawrence Elliott
"Work as hard as you play and play as hard as you work" Esther Packard
"God must have loved ordinary events, because he made so many of them" Abraham Lincoln
I am so inspired and thrilled to see media out there pursuing the happiness within the home. So, get off your computer screen, and write a letter with your child, or bake a cake, or color. That is where I am headed! But sometime today, stop over here and pick up your copy. Happy weekend everyone!
sarah jane