My future me.

I think that I may have just found the coolest new site ever.

I am a goal setter. I am a list maker. I have found that if it is written will get done.


I used to write letters to myself about where I was and where I wanted to be and open them months or years down the road to see how far I had come in that amount of time. It really is amazing what can happen when you take the time to get that vision out of your head and in front of your eyes. Even if you don't look at it for a year.

Future me is a site where you can write a letter to yourself and it will be sent to you sometime in the choose. A month. A year. Whenever.

Who do you want to be in a year? What does the future hold? You decide. Write it down, and see if you are right when you get the letter from yourself.

Fun, eh?
