Sandy Hook Donation

peace-on-earth-blog Like every one of you, I've been shattered by the horrible tragedy on Friday, and have been holding my children closer, praying more fervently, and more aware of how fragile this world is. There really are no words, and I've found myself utterly speechless.

All I can do is pray, love my children more deeply, teach them to love and respect and honor one another, and serve the children in my community with more awareness. But in this moment, I'm spreading my support with a simple sketch of hope, and faith.

This is a downloadable folded card for you to print, share or display in your home this Christmas Season. 100% of the funds will go to the Sandy Hook School Support Fund which is set up with Newtown Savings Bank to support families of the victims and community needs.

Of course, you can just donate's all going to the same place. But I thought this way, you could get a illustrated card out of it, that would share the message of Peace in a more personal way.

I'd hope that you would purchase one (or two or three!) and spread the word of Peace, hope and love. I'd be lying if my first response to all this was utter horror and loss of hope in this world we live in. But while the grief remains, my renewed hope is in the children and families who will continue to spread the message of love and renew peace in our homes, communities, nation and our world.







Click here to Purchase $5 printable cards





(your cards will automatically be sent to you after your purchase)



100% of proceeds will go towards SANDY HOOK SCHOOL SUPPORT FUND (the community fund helping families and individuals affected) and will be donated in full on January 1, 2013