Parent & Child Magazine

I love working with print magazines. And while I've had features, or interviews, or reviews in magazines,  I've actually never had the privilege of illustrating an article before! So this is a first! This month, Parent & Child Magazine asked if I'd illustrated an article on mindfullness in kids. It's a great article that you can read online here. I'm a huge believer in teaching children meditation and giving children the tools they need to control their bodies and minds in order to be happy. So, naturally, I was thrilled!       My kids saw the magazine on the table before I could show them my feature, and Addie ran up to me and said, "Mom! Great article! I saw your drawings, and it looks great!" I love that I get to share my art with them, and that it speaks to their level of understanding.

Have a lovely week! We are busy in the studio with tons of orders, and getting ready for BYU Women's Conference this week. Will any of you be there? We have a booth at the BYU Bookstore....more on that later!   xo sarah . .

a few more, and counting.

So, after a bit of thought, I'm not going to be offering fabric bundles in the shop after this run. It was super fun to have them with the prints as a bundle, but with with the amount of illustration work I have (and mommy work) I've decided that cutting the folding fabric isn't something I want to keep up. I wanted to offer these so you had a decor package that you could design around, and get directly. So, if you were considering buying these, we only have a few left. 

You can see the bundle here in the shop.

Happy Decorating!



Wee Wander Spring Art & Fabric Release!

So I'm a little more than excited today to introduce you to my latest collection of art prints. It's been a year since I've launched a new collection of art....and this collection is really special.

The Wee Wander fabric collection was so lovely to create and I've put together art prints that either come directly from the fabric themselves, or are inspired by it. These are available as fine art prints that will grace your walls for ages, leave a lasting impression of whimsy in your little one's spaces, and tie in beautifully with my Wee Wander Fabric line.

In addition to new art prints, I'm also offering Fat Quarter Design Kits for the very first time ever!

(Very limited Quantity...and I'm not sure about when they'll restock)

Each kit will include a Wee Wander print of your choice (choose from the 4 below) in a standard 8x10" size.

Each kit will include a Wee Wander print of your choice (choose from the 4 above) in a standard 8x10" size. It also includes a full FQ set of the fabric line, as well as a free download of this lovely lattice quilt using all the pieces for a full project. Or you can use the fabric as you please, and save the quilt for another project down the road.

In Addition to the Wee Wander Design Kits, I have lots of new art to grace your walls! Ready for visual overload? Good.

Catching Fireflies available in 4 sizes

Bareback available in 4 sizes

Play for Me available in 4 sizes

Dancing Bear available in 5 sizes

Be Friendly available in 4 sizes and as part of a set

Be Patient available in 4 sizes and as part of the set

The new "BE" set is now available as a set of 6. Sets of any 4 are still available as well.

Dear One available in 4 sizes and in a set

Gentle Giant available in 4 sizes and in a set

Soft at Heart available in 4 sizes and as a set

Spring Bunny available in 4 sizes

Wild Horse #1 available in 5 sizes and as a set

Wild Horse #2 available in 4 sizes and as a set

Wild Horse #3 available in 4 sizes and as a set

Set of all 3 horse prints available in 4 sizes

Horray! New Art and New Fabric Design Kits available! Wee Wander has been such a lovely collection as I've seen so many of you create amazing spaces and products. I hope these art prints bring whimsy and magic to your little spaces! As always, I love seeing pictures of your interiors, and you can share them with me on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest!

And as always, I love it when you share what you love with your friends! Be sure to Pin and share what you love....I love seeing your groupings!

Enjoy, and Happy Spring!


Sarah Jane

Wee Wander Blog Tour: Giant Hexies Quilt Pattern

Today's Wee Wander Blog tour features a giant hexagon quilt pattern you will want to have on hand! Hexagons are my favorite...but it is so time consuming to make anything substantial. But this pattern is just right for this fabric collection, with big oversized hexies to crop in on those favorite little vignettes of yours.

Polly at Pieces by Polly put together this free tutorial for us all. Thanks Polly!

CLICK HERE to get the full tutorial and pattern.

CLICK HERE to see the fabric collection information.

Happy Quilting!



let them play.

I was able to head "home" for the weekend for a quick visit with my husband and all my siblings and their spouses to surprise my Dad for his birthday. It was so precious to be all together without our kids, and to reminise being kids ourselves...something that I don't think has ever happened with all my siblings being adults.

Funny how we as adults can just go back to being kids again when we are all together. My mom bought cold cereal and ice cream like she would have while we were under her roof. It was adorable.

Reflecting on what it felt like to be a child, with all those floods of memories and funny stories, reminded me that kids are kids. And meant to be kids. Not adults-in-training. I grew up in a house full of play....and looking back...hard work and education felt like play to us. Learning how to create an awesome history project was play. Music lessons were play. Learning French was play. Even math practice was play (up to a certain point:). And our creative free time was just as much learning as play.

Being home reminded me that education and learning was such a vital part of my parents' parenting style.. But it was hidden in a family culture of expecting excellence as well as creative play.  I grew up with parents who are truly children at heart and were so curious about the world in a playful way, yet my father has degrees from Cambridge, Oxford, among others. It's something that I want to achieve as a let them play. And to not forget that children are children and through playing and fostering curiosity, they will learn and absorb the entire world around them.

Whoever wants to understand much must play much.

- Gottfried Benn

It's also important for me to let go of that tendency I have to feel those pressures of adult life, and remember to play myself. The mind is full of expansion when we are open and curious, always learning. The world is still my playground, and I hope to never....not ever....loose that sense of wonder.