More to admire....


So this blog is getting a bit heavy on the Wee Wander inspiration....hope you aren't getting bored. I love what you are all making!

Today I'm sharing a favorite: The Geranium Dress Pattern from Made by Rae made by Amy Friend. 

Just adorable. See more pictures here. 

I love that I get to post inspiration from all of you! Behind the scenes I'm illustrating books, magazines, more fabric, making new products for you and occasionally making dinner (pancakes, anyones?) So sharing all your ideas has been so fun but also a blessing in disguise:)

Have projects you want to share? You can contact me and I'd love to see!

More inspiration here and here

Happy Tuesday everyone!



Wee Wander feature with Tent Pattern from LLK

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I can't tell you how much I love coming across your amazing collaborations and creations with Wee Wander! Seriously now. It's baffling to me how much is going on in cottages and sewing rooms the whole world over, and I just get goosebumps when I come across your amazing work.

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These photos are a collaboration of Little Lizard Designs who designs sewing patterns for children. Like this teepee for instance. Adorable! And these dresses. So much to play with!

Chasing Mermaids put together the photoshoot with the help of Claudia Blake Photography.

You can see the full post here with all the details of the shoot...patterns, products, etc.

Chasing-Mermaids-Productshoot-Stomped-0028-722x1024 Chasing-Mermaids-Productshoot-Stomped-0022-686x1024 View More:

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Really you guys.  These fabric collections are created with so much effort. I can't even begin to tell you the all nighters, the take out, the piles of laundry, the messy studio, the creative blocks, and just the challenge of putting my heart in print. It's just such an incredible process. One that I actually love for how much it stretches me and pushes my creative vision. So when I see your projects and your passion behind these fabric collections, I can't tell you how much it warms my heart to see so many of you use this in such beautiful ways. I love seeing you get inspired, and I love seeing your creativity! Thanks so much! (Can you tell I'm under the wire for deadlines as I write this? I may or may not have a studio begging to be de-cluttered and a house aching to be laundry-pile free as we speak). 

It's such an honor. Thank you!

And thanks again LLK for sharing!






wee wander blog tour logo blogQuilted Ukulele Case Tutorial I adore seeing all the inspiration that floods the online world after a fabric line comes out. There are so many amazing projects that just make me smile. This Quilted Ukulele Case Tutorial is so clever. I'm thinking my kids need one of these. We have a "real" case, but doesn't this case just make you want to pick up a Ukulele and play?  Ukulele Case Tutorial

Ashley at Mommy By Day Crafter By Night has created a full step by step tutorial on how to make one.

Quilted Ukulele Case


Happy Sewing and happy music making! I think I need to put on some of my favorite Hawaiian tunes now.



lighten up

dance with me web  

{click here to purchase print}

These two popped into my sketch book today, and I thought I'd give them a little bit of screen time.

These days are filled to the brim with deadlines (3 books and some editorial) as well as new products I'm working on getting into the shop (horray!).

But it seems that whenever I'm up to my eyeballs in deadlines, new characters show up in my sketchbook, begging for some attention. Kinda like my kids who would rather have tickle fights than see me working (which I try mightily to only do when they are busy, at school or asleep).

Anyways, say hello and consider this eye candy for a tuesday morning.

Have a good one!



Story Behind the Art: Marionettes

MARIONETTES swatcch web I didn't get a chance to really talk about my Let's Pretend Collection that came out last spring. Mostly because I was very sick with my pregnancy, and just  little bit preoccupied:)

But I want to share with you the story behind one of the prints that I just love. This print is called Marionettes, and I wanted to create a retro inspired marionette print that felt like something reminiscent of puppets from a little bit of France & Italy but with a taste of retro book illustration with fresh color. When I went looking for inspiration online, I came across this elephant marionette that I just FELL IN LOVE WITH! He is so perfectly perfect. I just had to have him. So I bought it on the spot, and put him in my studio to get inspired.

elephant marionette(image courtesy of Oh Albatross)

I included this print into two of my pieces from Let's Pretend. The Marionettes print, but his shining moment is in my Panel Print that I love so much.

Kids and puppets just make me smile. I wish we had more of a venue for this. Puppets are the best toy. I just love the theatricality behind it, and the endless imagination, coordination and play time. Anyways, I wanted to celebrate this part of childhood, and there he is!


elephant marionette swatch

cover image

Then, a few months later, while I was waiting for my fabric to be printed, I was watching the BBC Persuasion with my husband (He's a good man. He tolerates my choices:) and I stopped the movie! Look! There was my Elephant! How cool is that?

This little elephant has a fabric collection AND a movie. What a guy.

persuasion still

IMG_1025-1So that's the story behind this sweet little print. He still hangs in my studio, and I just love him to bits. Maybe he'll find his way into some more art of mine!

Let's Pretend is still available, and can found in any of the stores here. 

Burda Style Magazine

I'm so thrilled to share with you that Wee Wander fabric line has been featured in the Fabric Trends section of Burda Style Magazine. I'm so honored!

I have just loved seeing how well received this latest collection of fabric has been. Creating something so quietly in my studio, and then finally releasing it into the world always gives me butterflies in my stomach. It's like releasing a child off to kindergarten. So scary! But so wonderful to see it take wings.

It's so thrilling to see your excitement for it, and to see all the projects you've been able to share online. Thanks so much for all your feedback and excitement!

And thanks so much Burda Style for the feature!



Wee Wander Blog Tour: Pinwheel quilt & Pillow

It's Wednesday, and time for another fantastic Tutorial featuring the Wee Wander Fabric line! 

Stacy, at Freshly Handmade, created this amazing quilt and pillow tutorial. I love the colors she chose, and the pinwheels in the sky. Are you getting inspired?

Her blog is amazing, and full of so much mouth watering loveliness. Her sense of color makes me want to lick the screen. Be sure to spend some time peeking through! She's done an amazing job on this quilt she designed, and I am thrilled to send you her way for this awesome downloadable pattern.

Click Here for the tutorial. 

Happy Sewing, and thanks again Stacy!

