15 week baby bump

IMG_6856 Thanks everyone for the well wishes the other week when I posted about our big news! And thanks also for the sweet comments and encouragement about my rough start to it all! I'm feeling SO much better. But I tend to have other complications with pregnancy, that I can only assume will be coming around the corner soon. All my babies wanted to come early. Too early. And while all three have been early (35-37 weeks) they all stayed that long because of either hospital stays or just good old fashioned bed rest. Here's to hoping this one isn't as intense!

In the mean time, I'm really loving this time right now with nothing too urgent going on. It's marvelous!

And I've decided. Pregnancy clothes are just so much cuter, aren't they?


Stitch Hospital

IMG_6827 Remember how my 8 year old creatively got me to finally do all the mending? Well, we got it all done this weekend. And everyone pitched in.


I printed out some stickers for when they were all stitched up and ready to be released, the kids helped me sew up some Medic head wraps and....Ella just wanted to be a pet. How can you blame her with all the stuffed animals around! She's our comic relief around here, and our method actress too.


The kids set up beds, prepared shots (to numb the area before I dug in with a needle!) and took records of their names, procedures, and recorded when they were released.

We made white bandages to wrap their stitches when they were done, too.

The kids even came up with names: I was Dr. Stitch, Addie was Nurse Needle and Ian was Nurse Sew.

It could have been the most adorable thing they've come up with in a while.







Kenneth even got involved. I guess it looked like too much fun to hold back. He's really cute when he sews. Quite the MAN.


Poor Ella though. She got a little carried away, and may have caused more pain than comfort to a few of the animals. The poor bunny, actually.




And all was well. I still have a few more blankets, but I convinced the kids that hand sewing would mean no dinner.  They changed their minds pretty quick.

Are you like me, and have soft toys and socks and blankets that really could use a quick stitch?

Feel free to print these out and make some fun out of it.



click here to download

Have fun mending!



Pin & Flickr Friday: Dairy of Quilter

Hexagon baby quilt Sarah Jane Fabric  

Do you follow Dairy of a Quilter? My friend Amy is always cranking out awesome stuff. She just made this quilt for a new baby niece, and I'm just in love. First off, I love hexagons. And knowing that I absolutely CANNOT sew hexagons makes this even more lovely. (It's so hard to get it just right!) And secondly, I love that this is a mix of my past two fabric collections (Children at Play and Out to Sea). And with the third coming in any day now, I think I'm going to need to make a quilt combining all three. With hexagons. But I won't sew it. Ha.



Emerson custom quilting


Sarah Jane Narwhals


I've been a bit dormant in the fabric department since Autumn, and I'm excited to get back in the groove.

And I love sewing with my kids. Like today:  Addie asked me this morning if we could have a stitching party when she gets home from school. And I'm like "Sure! Let's break out the embroidery hoops, lady!" But she had a different mind. "No, let's get out all the stuffed animals and blankets that I've been asking you to mend, like all year,  that you still haven't mended?  I'll be the nurse and you be the Dr."  I kinda giggled and moaned all in the same moment. You know those "FAIL" moments as a parent? That was one of them. Guess we're playing Stitch Hospital today.

Sarah Jane pinwheels quilt back

Hexagon baby quilt Sarah Jane Fabric


And speaking of fabric....I want to send you over to some lovely, lovely shops that are featured on the side of my blog here. I love purchasing fabric from the Quilt Home, Fashionable Fabrics, Fat Quarter Shop, Sew Modern, Crafters Vision, Quilting Garden, and Quilt Sandwich. Click on over and treat yourself. I'm getting the sewing bug again now that spring is inching in. Are you?

Happy Weekend everyone!!


9.365 Another warm-up for work today. I just let myself draw whatever comes to mind. I thought of feet and sand and swings. Sometimes I just long for those days of sitting on the swing and aimlessly making pictures in the dirt.

I'm super excited to show you more stuff in the coming days....I've got so much up my sleeve that's starting to come to the surface. Did I tell you I've got a fabric line coming out super soon? And lots of other fun details.

Stay tuned!



Prescription: Sunshine. Saltwater. Playtime.

IMG_6470 We've never done this before. Taken a family vacation in the middle of February. But there was no other way. After a miserable (I'm being modest here) first trimester, a cold winter that has set records as the coldest since 1949, non-stop viruses visiting our family since October, and a baby coming in the summer that will prevent us from traveling, we just picked up and left. I'd had enough. It was time to just get out. So we planned a 3 day vacation in sunny Seal Beach, CA .....and we only planned it just 10 days prior. I've not been that spontaneous since B.C. (Before Children:) ooooh. It felt really good.



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So we hopped in the car and drove for a day...and got just what the doctore ordered.  Salt water, sea air, sun and family time. I've got crazy work deadlines that I put aside, Kenneth is swamped at work too. But we just picked up and grabbed some sunshine, knowing that we needed a recharge. Badly.

And that's just what we got!

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We also gave the kids a trip to Disneyland...which is always so precious and awesome to witness as a parent. Pure bliss.

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It was the greatest little getaway. Since December, I've been too sick to even play with my kids. It's been so depressing for me! But I think we're all on good terms now that I'm feeling so much better.

Now it's back to real life (which is always so hard!) but at least I've got some sun on my skin and some play time under me.





Cause I just love this bunch. And so excited to add one more monkey this summer. I think I can take it:) I can't wait actually!


Wild for you Valentines Download

wild photo2 If you are like me, You had grand ideas of making special valentines, but waited till the last minute.

Well, if you are needing a quickie print out this morning....here you are.

Easy non-sugar valentines that the kids will be super excited to put together.

wild photo

You can get little plastic animals just about anywhere...the dollar store, the craft store, party store....or even draw your own! Have fun making!

click here to download

And Happy Valentines:)  I just love this holiday! Even if I'm usually scrambling to finish up little love things. Enjoy!




purple owls web Do you remember your dreams? I usually do, but for a few years now, they haven't been as vivid as usual. Probably cause I never got much sleep! Something about being pregnant though, man! My dreams are nuts. Like dreaming that I had dinner with Kate Middleton and we became instant best friends. Like chums for life.  My husband laughed so hard at that one. Hey! A girl can dream, right?

But last night, nothing crazy...just color.

All I remember was purple and orange.

Do you ever dream with color as the main character? Maybe I'm weird. But I kinda like this combo, and I want to keep playing with it.



7.365 It's feeling good to warm up with sketching and doodling every day. And I've loved seeing so many of you joining in!

This one is inspired by the red gingham stick horses we have at home, and how my oldest declared today that she officially heard one of her stuffed animals make a sound, and how happy she is to finally know what she had always hoped: Her stuffed animals ARE real.

Oh, how I just covered my mouth and gasped in delight. . I Honestly feel so lucky to witness such magical moments all the time.

Precious imaginations. Perfect moments.

Happy Monday!

