
We've moved around a lot, and I'm familiar with the truth that painting a room can transform it completely.

Which is why it's silly that I waited this long after moving in to our house to repaint the kids rooms. Mostly because I'm an all or nothing kinda gal, and since the floors need to go as well, I figured we'd just wait till we could do it all at once. Or maybe because the kid's room color was the LEAST offensive of them all (no joke!) and compared to the ketchup red master with mustard chair rails, the eggplant purple living room, regular purple dining and avocado green foyer, the bedrooms seems mild.

Here's a close preview:

The previous color was a completely dismal brown. Not a nice chocolate brown, but a nasty light sucking brown. This shot was taken at night, but believe me. Even in the day it was depressing. I never liked to go in there except for when lights were out and kids needed cuddling. But that's ok, cause that is the only time the kids were in there too:)

We are going bright white. And wow. What a change.

It also means I finally have a good place in the house to take photos as well. Funny how a room with such wonderful natural light was off limits due to the paint color stealing it all.

Before church, I stole some more before's and afters.

And a special before and after, from MR. TOOTHLESS (his new official name).

Do you love his tie? He insisted on it outside of the collar. I love this boy.

I'm going to keep you posted on the progress. We're putting in white washed wood floors this week, and then onto painting some furniture, building some wall display boxes and deciding which rugs work out best (on 75% clearance I might add...don't you love those finds?)

Stay tuned for more! I've been waiting to redo their space for a VERY long time. In fact, the last time I deliberately repainted and redid a space for them was I think when I was pregnant 8 years ago. This will be a fun journey!

Meet some new lovely shops

A very warm welcome to some new sponsors here on the blog! Saturdays are going to be posts dedicated to my lovely friends, and I encourage you to visit them and all the lovely goodness they offer. Creativity, handmade, fabric and lovely things abound! There is more of them to come, so stay tuned for giveaways, and more!











For more information on how you can be a sponsor, you can email me here. 

Have a lovely weekend!


show me color

It's right about now, every year, that I find myself saying, "Slow down! Stop! Freeze!" Wait. No. Not freeze. That will come soon enough.

Think about this: of all the seasons, I think this one is when you can really witness daily change and turnover. Every season comes in with it's own personality, but Fall is when I literally find myself saying "How orange are you today little tree?"

It's pretty much magic, isn't it? I'm stopping to look today. What is your favorite way to capture Autumn? Of all the seasons, this one never lasts as long as I want it to.

Have a LOVELY weekend everyone!!



Clearing the shelves.

So, today is kind of a big deal. I have 61 more days until the shop will no longer carry paper goods! No more Iron-on embroidery patterns, folded cards, holiday tags, bookplates or journals.

*But to clarify: I WILL be keeping all Art prints, PDFS and jewelry. Everything else is clearing out.

This has been a hard decision (as I was having grand plans to add to this list of lovely things!) But, after a long (very long!) hard think, I've come to terms with the fact that at this time in my life right now, I want to spend more time with my creative self than my manager self. Lots of product=less time to be creative and come up with amazing and genius art all the time (truth) and I want to spend more time with my children and less time infront of a computer (more truth).

And since more things can't exist in a space that's already full, I'm clearing out.

So, as of today, all paper good items that will be gone by Dec. 20th are on clearance, and will be until they are all sold out! So stock up, cause I don't have plans to bring them back any time soon!

It feels good to clear out, but do take care of them! It's sad to see them go.

Thanks for all your support! It's exciting to make changes and move forward. I've got a good feeling about all this.

Happy sale shopping!



Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone! I'm resurrecting old art today! (appropriate for Halloween, right?) I hope everyone has a wonderful day of fun. I'm most likely staying home with a sick toddler, but in some ways I'm relieved....I love spending time with just one at a time. Especially when extra cuddles are required. Even on Halloween.

And thanks for the Horsie costume ideas. Proud to say I came up with a pretty easy and inexpensive way to satisfy. Pictures soon!

And if you need a last minute 'fill the time before trick or treating' print out, here's a free paper doll I made ages ago that I'm reposting here.

Happy Halloween!!!



what if we said it more

I've been thinking a lot of compassion lately. Understanding both sides of the story. Being aware of other's needs before your own. Maybe it's the political climate. Maybe it's that I have small children and not a day goes by with some lesson that includes the word "share" "say you're sorry" "I love you" and "It's OK."

Maybe it's that the Weepies are on repeat tonight: "Don't say words you don't mean | Looking back now I only wish I had been kinder | Did I ever know love, did I ever know love? And could I have been blinder?"

But I'm constantly aware of the possibly oversimplified truth, but truth nevertheless, that if we all just learned to see and understand the other person's perspective, and said "I'm Sorry" more often, the world would be better off for it.

And I personally wouldn't mind painted color dots showing up every time forgiveness happened either. It'd be a much prettier world, at that.

Be unexpectedly nice to someone today.

Children at Play Paper Line

I couldn't be more excited to announce that the paper collection for CHILDREN AT PLAY is FINALLY available!

Oh. It's been a long time coming. I announced a year ago that I collaborated with Making Memories to create a fantastic paper collection, and unfortunately, there were some events that kept it from getting produced on time. It was re-released this August and is now in stores!

I won't say too much here, except for you to go and browse all the products as you wish to. But I will say, that I'm not much of a scrapbooker. Mostly because I haven't the time! I adore paper, and I love memory keeping. But when I designed this collection, I made very clear that I wanted this to be a paper collection that you could be used for proper scrapbooking.....but also to PLAY with. DECORATE with. One that children could really enjoy. There are banners, papers, stickers, paper dolls with LOTS of clothes (all in children at play textiles of course) and so much more.

I have yet to really take some proper photographs.  As I was laying everything out, my girls IMMEDIATELY took to "setting" up a little paper play room. I guess that's a good sign that these are just as fun to play with as they are to scrapbook with.

Good, good fun!

Here's a short video created by showing all the paper options displayed at the CHA tradeshow this summer!

I've created a list of stores for you to browse on the product page here.

I've started a SARAH JANE PAPER Photo Group, so please do join in if you'd like!

I'm so glad to have these finally available. They have been so much fun around here. Enjoy!

little red and some voting

I've been cleaning off my computer, and coming across files that I have totally forgotten about. Crazy, right? I get big ideas a lot, and often they aren't right or ready, and this was one of them. This is from over 2 years ago, and I'm wishing it had some more life to it! I was kind of over the "little red" phase a long time ago, but honestly, it's never really old. It's always a good time for fairy tales and folk tales.

So, I'm starting the process of (finally!) redoing my kids rooms. New floors (old stained carpets) and painted walls (the current brown is killing me) and we're starting fresh. Red and pink has always been a favorite of mine, and I'm leaning in that direction. But with a little orange for spunk. More inspiration later, for sure.

But before I head off to pick out paint colors, would you mind taking the time to vote here?

I was nominated for best children's wall decor, and I'd love to have your vote!!! 

Just click here, and it will take  you to the place where you just click and button!

Thanks so much friends! Have a LOVELY friday!

