This makes me so happy.

I got this image in my inbox this morning from the talented designer Lindsey who blogs here.

I still get goosebumps to think that a little drawing that I created in the corner of my basement late on a Thursday night is the first thing a newborn baby will see when he wakes from his naps every day. I really love doing what I do!

Isn't that print just perfect in that space? She has a great eye and has a lovely home you can check out here.

*Print is from my ETSY shop here.

Books You'll Love: Marilka

Children's books have more power in 32 pages than children even realize. It isn't until we are older than we find ourselves saying, "Mom, remember that book with the one page that had a dog in the bed, but he wasn't asleep...and then a tree at the end? What was it called again?It was my favorite book." Our memory of reading picture books can be as vivid as our real childhood memories, because imagination and reality are one and the same to kids.  The pages of picture books allow a child's' mind and senses to make sense of the world around them and give them freedom to explore new places and feelings in a very safe way. It's a beautiful art, and one that I hope to master some day. There is so much more that goes into a book than a simple "tree at the end" ending. But to affect the child in a positive way is the ultimate quest.

Marilka is one of those books to me. To be completely honest, my memories of reading this as a child have completely messed up my critical eye. This could be a lousy book (which it isn't) but because I loved it so much as a child, I love it now. Do you have those kind of books? Books that as you read now aren't that amazing, but to your 5 year old self they captivated you?

From the front flap:

"When Marilka's parents think she is lost, not only are they miserable, but everyone and everything in the neighborhood is afflicted too. When Marilka reappears, joy is unbounded, and she knows that she is the center of her parents' world. In gorgeous full-color pictures and playfully exaggerated text, Janina Domanska transforms a universal childhood experience into a work of art."

Marilka (I believe) is out of print (Macmillan 1970) and can only be found here or in your libraries.

Happy Mother's Day!

Theses three sets of chubby cheeks make me a mother this Mother's Day.

I can't think of a better gift.

And if you haven't seen it already, this video simply made my mother's day. This sweet soul inspires us all to live up to the calling of Motherhood.

May your weekend be full of many snuggles and and from mothers and children of all ages!

Happy Mother's Day!

Mother Robin Redbreast.

There is a pregnant Robin that has been making a home somewhere on our property...I can't tell where yet. But I see her, lugging that big belly around, and wonder when those babies will hatch.  Every morning, she finds a crooked twig in front of our breakfast window, and sings a little tune and then dashes off to find more twigs and dry grass. Is this her first hatch? Does she get scared? Or does she simply get lost in the present moment of a beautiful sunrise? This time last year I too was lugging around a big belly, and had only a wish of being as spritely and light as Little Robin Redbreast. By the size of her belly, and if my timing is right, I am thinking that she will have a very special Mother's Day.

Inspiration Board.

I'm in final art mode for A Christmas Goodnight (Fall 2011) and I thought I'd share with you some images I have in my studio to get the juices going. The book is full of wonderful color and texture, and though the characters in these images have nothing to do with the subject I am working with, the line and color inspires me.  It's so important for me to have visual inspiration for the projects I work on. It gets me right in the mood!

Image via Bibliodyssey

Image via Bibliodyssey

Mauric Sendak from "The Art of Maurice Sendak"

This has been in my files forever....can't find the reference! Let me know if you know!


Image from Kevin Henkes upcoming book via Greenwillow Press Blog.

Maurice Sendak, Moon Jumpers


Rosemary Wells, Original Art

And a little Van Gogh, Starry Night