Jack and Izzy

I came across a new ETSY shop this week: Jack and Izzy. I am a sucker for good clean stationery and this shop has just that! She has only been open a week, and I am already eying her Birth announcements. Aren't they darling? And she has totally inspired me to improve my own product photography...so important! I just love her shop!

I am on a stationery kick right now...expect to see more inspiration and even some new stationery in the shop very soon!

And THANK YOU for all your well wishes on my first book! You are so wonderful and supportive...I can't thank you enough!

My First Book!

I have kept a little secret for a bit here. I have been doing a lot of illustrating...but instead of for the shop, it has been for my first book! I just got word yesterday that it has been sent to the printers, so it is official!

Here it is!

Full of Life: Mom-to-Mom tips I wish someone had told me when I was pregnant

Written by Nancy O'Dell

illustrated by Sarah Jane Wright

Published by Simon & Schuster

On shelves April 09, 2009

I have goosebumps all over. I haven't been able to say anything for so long, and it feels so great to finally get this out in the open! Nancy Singer contacted me a while back about working on a pregnancy book, and by December it was official. Nancy O'Dell, the ever popular celebrity icon of Access Hollywood had her first baby over a year ago, and decided to write a book about pregnancy including all the bits no one seems to be writing about. Mom-to-Mom tips she calls it. She has done a great job!

I was committed to illustrating this book long before I knew the author. And then to find out that the author was a huge celebrity...and that I needed to make the illustrations look like her...I knew I was in for a fun adventure. The editors needed black and white chapter headings with a few icons along the way and I had a great time working together with them on the project. I will say, that illustrating a REAL person forced me out of my own personal style a bit (no generic vintage faces here!) But I am glad. I learned a lot a long the way!

I am sold on the author/illustration business. I love designing new products, but book illustration is so amazing...especially when working with a fantastic group of people...all passionate about what they do. I can't tell you how invigorating it was to get emails first thing in the morning from NYC with tips and corrections that would steer the ultimate vision for the layout. Soon I hope to get more into illustrating children's books, but until then, I feel really grateful to put my name on a fantastic publication. Thank you Simon and Schuster for giving me my first chance in the industry!

I feel a huge sense of relief that this is all over with. It was a fantastic experience to be illustrating this pregnant woman while I myself was feeling my own baby kick in side me. I had a huge connection to the material which was so magical! (although, depressing at times to think that there are people in the world that DO look that beautiful when 9 months pregnant!)

It sure wasn't easy, but it was a wonderful challenge! Note to self: DO NOT...and I repeat...DO NOT illustrate a book while throwing up and pregnant, packing up and moving your home, catching walking-pneumonia, taking care of sick children, moving into a new home or over the Christmas holiday. Oh boy. I think I will try and avoid that next time! In this case, miracles happened and now a life long dream of mine has come true....

I am a published illustrator!

(You can see the book online here.)


OK. I realize my posts as of late are a bit on the family side of things. Life is mostly family around these parts. But amidst the unpacking and moving and getting over winter colds...oh and makin' a baby, there has been a bit o' art. And because we are family here too...I am taking opinions. Kinda like, "High-heels or flats with the dress?" Although, it's not shoes we're trying on. Maybe both don't work, but one has to be better than the other.



(Added later)

Best of both worlds?

do share.

Weekend peeks.

Around my house:

1. More color. Moving in and getting closer to having a clean vibrant space!

2. Two stickers made friends on my wall.

3. Sleepy boys after a long day of adventure seeking.

4. A happy mama who's Valentine's present was 2 FULL days to myself! Result: an almost moved in house!

Happy Site Friday: making the masterpeice.

Happy Site Friday is a state of mind today. A place I need to go in my heart and my head to get over a really hard week! I LOVE this quote, and I was reminded of it from my friend's blog here. She is a mother of 6 (including triplets) and a graphic designer. Just what I needed for a pick me up this morning!

THANK YOU ALL for your sweet well wishes on the pregnancy! I wish I had the time to email you all back individually and thank you! It is so exciting to be creating a new child inside me...more than a miracle!

But in case you EVER get the sense that motherhood is all bliss and no tears in our household, please think again. Sometimes I think because blogging is JUST A FRACTION of real life, we forget that life with children is NOT picture perfect moments. Cakies started a "messy monday" post, and I am seriously wanting to start one too. Gotta get my courage a bit hight though:) Life can be quite chaotic.

This is all from yesterday:

Ian screaming so loud in the car I can't get through to GOOG-411 on my cell to get a phone number. The automatic operator kept thinking I was trying to get the number for "AHHHHHHHH!" instead of my daughter's pre-school.

Ian finding the Costco size package of toilet paper and unraveling it in my shower.

Addie and Ian fighting!

Addie forgoing a much needed nap so she could dump out all the toys while I was napping.

People coming over to visit and being too embarrassed to invite them in yesterday!

More Fighting!

Ian finding the dental floss and unstringing THE ENTIRE 75 YARDS all over the living room and tangling it all around himself and the furniture.

Children who think 2 am is a good time to eat breakfast and do a puzzle in the play room.

The red stains from Baby Motrin all over my bedding from a midnight dose to a screaming three year old who hates medicine and is very good at spitting it out at record lengths.

BUT then I melt from the sweet:

Addie has stopped calling me "Sarah" and now calls me "Mudder"

Ian, because he can't say his "S's" very well, says "I love you too much" instead of "I love you SO much"

Addie exclaims at least once a day "Mudder, you are the most wonderful Mudder in the whole world!"

Ian needing at least 4 sets of kisses and hugs at bedtime.

Addie telling me out of the blue at lunch time: "Mudder, don't worry. I will still be your daughter when I grow up."

Ian running around the house naked for 10 minutes shouting "Horray!" after going potty for the first time.

And so much more...

So, to any of you who need a little "pick me up" this morning, print off this quote and know you are doing the best work ever! There are so many payoff's when you start looking! It's really a masterpiece...motherhood is the best work of art I have attemped yet. But masterpeices take time and masterpeices can be messy in the middle. Trick is to see the creative process as beautiful!

Happy Friday!

GTD: Getting Things Done.

Weekend Task #1: Clean and fold laundry.

Ian's Agenda: Bake with Daddy.

Which task won? Bake with Daddy

Weekend Task #2: Unpack all boxes in Mommy's office.

Addie's Agenda: Sew dolly blankets with Mommy.

Which task won? Sewing dolly blankets with Mommy.

Weekend task 3: Organize parent's bedroom

Kid's agenda: Snuggle and wrestle with parents

Which task won? Snuggle and wrestle with parents.

Please don't come over to my house today. I have very happy children, but a very neglected house. Sure is nice to take a break from housework though!