Juvenile line.

Can I just tell you. I have the best job in the world. I wake up to 3 ready-to-explore-the-world-children. I get to spend time in my home all day. I get to read picture books as much as I want. I get to draw for kids. I get to see the world like children do all day. Oh, and there are all the other minor things like laundry, dishes, carpooling, budgeting, lessons, mopping, and working late hours after kids are in bed. But truthfully, I can't think of a better job doing what I love to do, at home.

Tonight I was sketching on the floor while the kids were playing, and Addie asked me to draw her. She had just chopped a good 6 inches of her hair into a darling bob, and wanted to pose for me. She loves to pose. Like most kids love to be in front of mommy's camera, Addie loves to pose while I draw. And most times, she comes and finishes the drawing how she likes it. Tonight, she wanted a crown, a bow, a tutu and added the text on her shirt and some flip flops. And to be honest, it looks better after she touched it.

Juvenile line. I've been thinking a lot about how my children draw, and how it reflects how they see the world. And how what I draw and see is so different than what they draw and see. It's an interesting concept: they see so much more, but draw so much less. And truly, that is the art I hope to re-achieve someday. True art is expressing as much as possible in as little as possible. And that 'juvinile line'...a child's expression which exposes in part how they see their world....makes all the difference.

Summer Growing.

We've been so lucky to have a garden this year. Our yard was, well, in ruins when we purchased it. And with a little love, we (well, my strong and burly husband) were able to knock out a few mangly briars and dead trees to reveal a once-upon-a-time-this-was-a-garden area. The children have had so much fun watching their seeds grow into edible treats. Garden's are magic for kids. And to me, it's like watching my own children grow.

Granted, we didn't start the cherries from seed. But we brought a rather untamed one back to life. Oh, they're yummy!

But there's more growing than just snap peas and cherries here. Grown garden, grow.

Inside my sketchbook

My sketchbooks are incredible works of art. And I say that completely without ego. See, I can't draw in a sketchbook without 2 minutes going by when all my kids are surrounding me wanting to either 1) comment 2) color in my drawings with the nearest crayon or 2) share the chair and draw with me on the same page. What this means is that I go through phases of drawing with my kids. Sometimes it proves to be simply a supervised drawing session for them. Even though they have their own sketchbooks, they prefer to just draw in mine. But that's wonderful too, because I see in them budding artists. Addie already is quick to tell me I am off a bit on this or that. And I have to tell you...she is very quick to say that she is the best artist in the ENTIRE universe. Don't you think so? I thought you'd agree.

He's really all that.

Dear Reader who wonders how I have time to do creative things,

What you need to know about being an Artist and a Mom and a Book Maker:

You will be absolutely lousy without help.

May I introduce you to man who  makes things happen around here? Oh, and have I mentioned he happens to be the most amazing man on the planet?

Say "Hi" to Kenneth. He's the love of my life. Not only has he been on kid duty while I finish up the book at full speed, but he's the King Gardener, Fixer-Upper, Royal Chef, Fort Maker, Grocery Shopper, and Make-Believe Player and even does the dishes. He is basically makes this whole book making process wonderful. That, and he is a writer and storyteller himself, so he understands how this all works...and enjoys it too! We don't live close to either of our parents, and with 3 young kids in the mix, having long stretches of time to do anything is out of the question. But thanks to my school-teacher husband who has the summer off to let me work, it's been amazing.  And on top of all that, he keeps things fun around here. He is the one that keeps me laughing when I get too stressed and knows how to have a good time when things are a bit crazy. I am seriously in love. I am so blessed to be married to my best friend. Like, really blessed.

The kids think so too.

So, when I look at my life and wonder why I haven't cracked yet, it's cause of him.

The end.



PS: New summertime art is in the shop today!

Thoughts on creativity

“With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

I am in the final stages of this book, and it's taken a lot of dicipline for me to get work done. But in this case, my work isn't typical "work." It requires a very lucid and creative mind, which under the normal pressures of mothering young children, is usually the first thing to go out the window.

It's made me think a bit:

How can I keep my creativity from sagging while spending most of my day in exhausting responsibilities?  Especially motherhood responsibilities?

I am a young mother. I'm 30. I have 3 kids all at home, under school age. That means from 6 am - 8 pm I am 110% with my kids. Feeding, playing, cleaning, teaching, driving, disciplining, scheduling, paying bills, calling, observing, making lists, and then feeding, playing, cleaning, kissing and bedding. For 14 hours a day. And then, at 8pm (lately 7pm since my husband is on kid duty for all the "I can't fall asleep" moments) I am illustrating. Now don't get me wrong. I LOVE motherhood. I absolutely adore being with my kids, and we love being all together. I am so blessed to be a mother, and try and live every day in gratitude for these 3 precious blessings. We have a lot of fun around here. But....let's keep it real. Motherhood is hard work.

This I know: Nothing kills creativity more than 1) exhaustion and 2) scheduled mundane responsibilities

How does a young mother with so many responsibilities all day, shift into "play mode" herself when the exhaustion sets in?

I can't say I have the answer, but I have found one.  And since I think (I hope) there are others of you out there like me, I hope this helps.

Living in the present.

What I know about creativity is that it flows freely when we are loosed from the past and not gripped by the future. We must be fully present to have full access to our creativity.  This might seem obvious to some, but what tangles it up are the duties of motherhood which so easily catch us up with worries about the future, thoughts of the past and how fast our children are leaving it, and the duties of the present day which often lead to exhaustion and what I call "robot mode:" going through the list of to-do's as quickly as possible but finding by the end we feel like a machine; a feeding, cleaning, cooking, running around machine.

How often, for instance, are you talking on the phone and getting your kids dressed and making breakfast on the stove? Happens a lot around here. Nothing is wrong with multi-tasking, but it can keep us from being present minded.

But how, do you ask, can we stay present minded when there are so many responsibilities pressuring us all around?

1) Be aware. Notice the chubby legs when you are putting them through those pant holes. Listen to the sound of the scrambled eggs popping. Watch the leaves blowing when you are on a walk with the kids. Feel the soft cotton when you are folding clothes. Your senses will be hightened even amidst routine work, and your mind will focus on the 'now.'

2) Slow down: Look at your list of things to do, and knock out half. You will most likely only get a few done anyways, so don't let your mind worry about more than it can handle. Do one at a time and do them well and to completion.

3) Breathe: Taking time to center yourself physically is vital. It doesn't have to be yoga or a full hour of mediation. Even just 10 deep breathes with your body in an open, strethed position can wake up your cells to a full sense of being alive.

4) Have gratitude: Love what you do and embrace what comes every day. When you are doing the dishes be grateful for the food you have. When you picking random clothes everywhere, be grateful for fun loving children, that though messy, are yours. This turns work into joy. This brings your mind to the present and frees you of unnessesary stresses.

5) Notice how children see the world: Children are creative beings by definition. They are constantly living in the 'now.' They can't comprehend the future, and they aren't capable of digesting the past. They are in a constant state of awareness and discovery. Notice how their work is their play, and their play is their work. They can find joy in a simple accomplishment. They can find joy in a simple beauty. Adults can re-learn this skill and in doing so, discover creativity in their daily work.

This is my focus this month. I will be honest, and say that these 5 things are easily forgotten in this crazy world. But I do know, that by letting myself be present minded in my daily work as a mother allows for creativity to shine through what would normal squish it. It's a challenge for sure, and it takes constant reminding. But it works.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this too. It's a journey that I think so many of us are on, and we can learn so much from each other!

“The living moment is everything.” - D.H. Lawrence

Love to you all,


Happy Mother's Day!

Theses three sets of chubby cheeks make me a mother this Mother's Day.

I can't think of a better gift.

And if you haven't seen it already, this video simply made my mother's day. This sweet soul inspires us all to live up to the calling of Motherhood.

May your weekend be full of many snuggles and hugs...to and from mothers and children of all ages!

Happy Mother's Day!

Growing out.

Meet the cradle.

It is almost done with....for now. And I don't think it's has ever had a proper introduction.

When I was pregnant with Addie, I was gifted this handmade cradle from a dear family from back home. It was built by a dear friend of mine, painted white by my mother with a hand sewn skirt, and shipped out to her first grand-daughter Addie. I painted a lion (Aslan to be precise) laying in a garden of flowers,  just days before my first child was born. The Narnia books have always meant a lot to my husband and I, and this we felt represented so much of what we hoped for our little girl.

Since her birth, each of my babies have spent their first few months here. They have all loved being swaddled, and so it has done just fine. Ella is now over 8 months old, and is growing out of it quite quickly, but since we are just days away from moving....she will have to wait a bit more for her big girl crib. In the mean time, this cradle has served us so well and so I'm saying "Good-bye old friend. I hope to see you again some time soon."

It's my bit of magic in the nursery.

He's got it all figured out.

balance chair
balance chair

Conversations with a just turned 4 year old.

Ian: Mom, close your eyes and come here.

Me: I cover my eyes, hold his hand and walk across the room. I love these games.

Ian: Open!

Me: I open my eyes.

Ian: See, this is my art!

Me: ART. Junk as art. I love this. Cool Ian, tell me about it.

Ian: See, everything is balancing and it won't fall down!

Me: Ok. That is art.

Balance. He's got it down. I'm still figuring it out.  Real slow.

*My favorite part: See that Mr. Incredible's figure hanging for dear life on that rope over there? That's me. But it's all good. There is a Fisher Price fire engine just on the other side. Pretty good planning for a 4 year old.