
instragram march I love weekends. My husband's work hours have been crazy the past few months, so weekends come with so much anticipation. Soon, his hours will go back to normal, and he'll be home during daylight hours again.  Ooooh, I can't wait. We try and do mostly fun things to make up for lost time, but lately, my pregnancy has been getting harder, and this weekend was spend mostly catching up on house and yard work. It's going to be a rough road ahead, I think. I've got a few things going on in my body, that when combined, make standing up for more than and hour really difficult.  I'm only half way, but since none of my babies have made it past 37 weeks, I'm making sure to be extra cautious.

I'll keep you posted on how things go! But I'm trying to keep extra realistic expectations. It's amazing how much you can do while sitting though. I'm determined to get really creative:)

Here are some Instagram pics from this weekend and last. Are you on Instagram? Facebook and Instagram happen almost daily, so if we aren't seeing each other there yet, come on over!

And speaking of Instagram....it makes me think of food.....and all the cooking that Kenneth still manages to do on the weekends. He used to cook all the time, but with his schedule, it's mostly just the weekend now. I think I've convinced him to share recipes here on this space, so stay tuned for what I think will be an awesome addition to the blog. He's really so dang talented, and I think he's finally convinced that other people need in on his secrets:)

Stay tuned!



And the baby is a...




I found out in the morning, and needing to hurry and run my kids' lunches to school (daylight savings kills me every year....We've been so sleepy in the mornings!), I decided to tell Addie and Ian the gender as a surprise when they opened their lunch. It was a hit!

All the kids were actually planning on a boy (it would make sense....girl, boy, girl...boy) but I think I was the most surprised.


So, baby boy coming in August. We couldn't be more thrilled to be adding another little boy to the family. It's all getting so real now!

I'm whistling a happy tune. It feels just right.



PS: Are you reading this in Google Reader? I'm assuming you've heard the news. It is to be no more. (insert pouty face). Make sure to resubscribe in a different feed! Don't want to lose ya! 



Prescription: Sunshine. Saltwater. Playtime.

IMG_6470 We've never done this before. Taken a family vacation in the middle of February. But there was no other way. After a miserable (I'm being modest here) first trimester, a cold winter that has set records as the coldest since 1949, non-stop viruses visiting our family since October, and a baby coming in the summer that will prevent us from traveling, we just picked up and left. I'd had enough. It was time to just get out. So we planned a 3 day vacation in sunny Seal Beach, CA .....and we only planned it just 10 days prior. I've not been that spontaneous since B.C. (Before Children:) ooooh. It felt really good.



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So we hopped in the car and drove for a day...and got just what the doctore ordered.  Salt water, sea air, sun and family time. I've got crazy work deadlines that I put aside, Kenneth is swamped at work too. But we just picked up and grabbed some sunshine, knowing that we needed a recharge. Badly.

And that's just what we got!

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We also gave the kids a trip to Disneyland...which is always so precious and awesome to witness as a parent. Pure bliss.

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It was the greatest little getaway. Since December, I've been too sick to even play with my kids. It's been so depressing for me! But I think we're all on good terms now that I'm feeling so much better.

Now it's back to real life (which is always so hard!) but at least I've got some sun on my skin and some play time under me.





Cause I just love this bunch. And so excited to add one more monkey this summer. I think I can take it:) I can't wait actually!


Summer Days

This summer so far has been wonderful. We had  the chance of being at my old house for a few weeks, and we’re loving the time away. It’s been a very, very long time since I’ve been home for a long period of time, and it’s really wonderful for me to be reminded of all the things that have contributed to me as an artist, and influenced me as a child. Seeing my children in the space that I grew up in is so revealing to me. I haven't really had the chance to see that much. I miss it.

I planned on working and playing....keeping up with things as normal. But my parents have had major computer/internet issues and honestly, it's been a welcomed break. I've got an inbox that is piling up and projects that have been forced to wait, but they can wait. Summer with kids is precious time.

Coming back home, I'm reminded of all the details I grew up with...the colors, the green and the ever present nature all around. I grew up minutes from the city, but minutes from the country. It was the perfect, perfect place to build an imagination. So many farms, walks, places to explore.

I have lots more little mini adventures to share. Like this family that's been living near my parents house.  There are actually 4 baby dear between 2 Mama's that keep poking in to say hello. I can't get enough of it.

Hope you are all having wonderful memories this summer! I'm terrified with how fast it flies by! Lazy days....please, please stay!

Happy summer days to you all!



Once again: attempting the impossible.

Hello! And Happy Friday!Wow...thanks for all your lovely responses to my internship post. I'm learning more and more how wonderful it is to be part of such a wonderful creative community. Not all communities are gracious and wonderful, and I'm just so happy to be associated with such genuine people! Thank you! I had a much bigger response than I can use, but I'm once again reminded that though I work from home by myself....we really are all so willing to help each other. Thank you!

I've just come back from a quick spin to NYC (which was a fantastic adventure that I'll share next week) so I've been absent from here for a bit.

But before I do that...I'm asking you for some advice. Parenting advice. So I think I have the Easter picture curse. Do you? Or is it just me? You probably don't remember these pictures, but this is how every Easter measures up.

Don't get me wrong: I adore these pics....so much! But sometimes I just wish I could capture that single picture where everyone is looking at the camera...everything is in focus, and the children look happy and relaxed. Just one!

Seriously. I think I took like 157 pictures. The lighting was beyond perfect. It was minutes before church (and we were actually dressed and ready early!) but I honestly couldn't get all 3 to look at me let alone give me a natural smile. We were all laughing the whole way...because they really are meant for the stage and come up with the wittiest things to say and do with each other. But every year, we end up with the silly pics (which depicts real life for sure!)

I laugh, because the only shot where I got them all to look at the camera was when I told them to act like Kings and Queens  (which I realize was a silly request because I guess Kings and Queens don't smile much. Oops!)

So, suggestions welcome for how to get a group of overly loving and dramatic children to hold still and look pleasant for the camera? I really think the answer is wearing your camera during waking hours all day everyday, so that when the moment comes, you are ready. Not very good at that one.

So, do share: are your good pics on accident? Or do you have tricks. I have a whole year to practice:)

Although, I do have to say...when they are on their own, they are magic. Heart-breaker, he is.




Delicate Art of Balance.

You know when you have one of "those" weeks? It still seems ironic that I'm speaking on the balance of home life and work life this next week at ALT.

Maybe this week came as a reminder at how precious that balance can be!

This week:

Ella had the croup (including major breathing scare), stomach flu and head cold

Ian: head cold and stomach flu

Addie: Head cold

Me: Stomach flu and head cold

Kenneth: miraculously steered clear, but was designated laundry doer

All while...

I finished a fabric line due this week (oooh! It's cute!!) and managed to pull 2 all nighters and several other rather intensive nights of work

I finished a chapter book illustrations due this week

I spoke in Relief Society (my church's women's organization) on entrepreneurship

My trusty $$$ printer of 5 years died  on me right in the middle of a very long and important job

Prepped for speaking at ALT this week (boy...do I have a lot to say on family balance!)

And managed to really start my sugar free living. It's awesome by the way.

* * * * *

Let's just say I'm pretty pooped. And in very good spirits because we have a 3 day weekend.

But in thinking about this MYTH of work life balance, I really do have a lot to say.

I've had some really awesome discussions with my fellow speakers, Brooke from INCHMARK, Kathryn from SNIPPET AND INK, CHRYSULA from Chrysula Winegar ...... and they all have such wonderful insights. But I think we've all come to agree that "balance" doesn't mean do all things well all the time, on time and in time. Rather, it means that you shift from section to section in your life, in good communication with those who support you (your spouse, etc.) and that you are realistic about what you need to do and when.

This week was one of those exception weeks when it all comes to a head and all energy is focused forward.

There are other weeks when the home is the main project. And then maybe work deadlines fall into the next week's focus. There really isn't such thing as doing it "all." And that I guess is a big part of what I'm speaking of on Thursday.

When I am working really intensely on designing, my laundry piles up. High. And then when I'm getting house projects done, I get a little behind on work. But it's an ebb and flow, and that's called balance.

I think for a very long time I was plagued by this false notion that to be a good mom and to keep a good house, I'd have to be all things for all people. Ha! That idea didn't last long.

Now, my family is just as much a part of my work as my work is a part of my family. It's a dance that is hard to really outline, but it's worked out so far due to a fantastic husband who comes home from work and cooks dinner, and my kids who are so incredibly supportive of their artist mom.

Just yesterday Addie proudly came out of her room wearing all her Sarah Jane attire. She hugged me and said "I love wearing all your art, Mommy."


I'm still in game of learning how to swing less dramatically from project to project, and I'm pressed on capturing those "still" moments and holding onto them as long as possible. Being still, taking time to enjoy each moment for what it is, is so vital to balanced living. My home will never be Martha Steward ready but my home can be happy and filled with laughter (even when one of the family members...I won't say who....dropped all the fresh eggs from the day on the floor yesterday) which to me is a perfectly balanced home.

I won't say it's easy. There is a rhythm that is so personal to our home and to Kenneth and I. He's out in the garage designing a trade show booth with the kids, while I have Addie on my studio floor drawing while I work on a deadline.  But that's the way we roll. Most days my work is done when the kids come home from school, and I won't touch it again until they are in bed. But work still creeps into family living, and it's been a learning curve these past couple years. But it's all beautiful!

I'll be sharing more of what we discuss at ALT during our panel. If you are attending, be sure to come! It's going to be powerhouse. Lot's of ideas for sure!

And, because I can't post without a sketch of the day:

Slow and steady wins the race.



7 years of motherhood.

Addie's birthday was this last week.  I'll never be able to celebrate her birthday without thinking of my own entrance into the wonderful world of Life with Children. Are you the same way?

This years cake? A Flower Bouquet Candelabra, which is what Addie wanted.

I think. I can't exactly remember how the idea came about.

It's pretty to look at, fun to put together.... and never leaves leftovers (which I prefer:)

And because I know you'll ask:


The cup is filled with chocolate truffle, or fudge would work too (it needs to be a heavy substance to hold the weight of the skewers) which is made ahead of time, poured into the cup and chilled.


are nothing more than donut holes, dipped in the same chocolate, dipped in sprinkles and poked with skewers. Eclairs would be lighter weight and pretty too!


This week I'm celebrating 7 years of being a mom in my robe, slippers, and washing bedding and towels. We've been hit with the flu, and some how it all feels very similar to my entrance into motherhood seven years ago! Now there just more children who are even more fun to snuggle and be flat out exhausted with!

Have a great week to you all!



Bandit Chicken

* To keep my promise for 2011 I'm including artwork/doodles of mine in every post!

We have bandit chickens at our house. 19 of them.

I'm drowning in deadlines at the moment ( the catchup after the holiday was a bit stark! Yes?) and the only thing that is keeping me from insanity (I get a little mad-scientist-ish when I'm working tight deadlines) is hearing that BAHK-BAHK-B-B-B-BAHK-ing from the chickens. They are the funniest creatures on the planet.

This afternoon, Ella and I had an afternoon nap on the front yard (the place the chickens aren't supposed to get to when we let them roam...ahem) and I hear that familiar crinkling sound of the dried leaves (oh ya...did I mention that we live in Utah and it still hasn't snowed? I don't get it.)


Chickens: "Rustle, Rustle, click, clack. B-BAHK!"  Right in my face.

Translation: "Hi. I just jumped the fence and escaped and broke all the chicken laws. And now I'm going to tell you about it."

Yes, escape. We have bandit chickens.

Have you ever seen a chicken jump? Aside from an awkward teenager doing the Mackarana, I can't really give you a better idea of how histerically funny looking they are. We let the chickens have free reign in the yard, and while our fences are enclosed, there is one particular chicken, Snowflake (the only chicken that looks different than the rest) makes it a point to go as far as she can every time.  It's become a game now. And besides the fact that she dug up our tulip bulbs in the front yard, it's really pretty funny.

But we have pretty awesome chicken catchers. Yep. We start 'em young.

It's as close to sports as we get in our house.

If you need a good laugh this weekend, I recommend chasing a chicken. Or at least imagining yourself chase a chicken.

See? Gotcha.

Have an awesome friday.