This weekend was spent with my husband's sister and her charming new husband. I love weddings, especially autumn weddings. The air was cold...but no matter. Our sister bride was beautiful and we just love our new brother in law! Addie was particularly entranced by the lovely dresses, flowers and lights. She pranced around the gardens looking for her "prince" which when she called, Ian soon came to her side. My children are quite the romantics which ensured us all a wonderfully fulfilling weekend!
This is the way we work at our house.
This is how I clean my house:
I turn on the water in the kitchen sink.
Me: (in my staged-panicky voice):
"Oh no! Would you just look at this messy sink! What ever shall we do!"
Addie:"Oh!!! Mommy!! I want to do the dishes!!"
Ian: "Ditheth, Ditheth!"
Good to go. Chairs at the sink, and they will last 1/2 hour while I vacuum, fold laundry, clean counters, etc. Granted, there is a river to clean up after wards (a soapy river), but I have a clean house!
This is how I make dinner:
Me (in my overly-distressed voice):
"Oh no!! Dad is going to be home soon, and we have got to make dinner fast!"
Addie: " I want to make dinner!"
Ian: "Make dough!"
Great! Chairs at the counter, I hand them any thing I can find. The other night it was lime rinds, hot pink sugar cookie sparkles, frozen peas and salt. Mmmmmmmm. I can work at the stove without little fingers getting dangerously in the way, and It makes my cooking look REALLY good:)
Addie's first day of pre-school...
...resulted in a pretty strong reaction from Ian. For my two who are really Irish Twins, this was a little hard to explain. And my heart just broke. The only thing that made it better was we got to sit on the kitchen floor and sneak an extra granola treat when we got home. But shhhh....don't tell Addie!
Just popped in to tell you...
"that I had a really fine nap, Mommy!"
(As if the hair didn't tell you first!)
Well, she is still surprising me:) And as I type, she has crashed after our little family had a short spin over to the petting zoo. There is still hope:) But thanks again for all your great ideas...she isn't quite liking the quiet time (she finds my work more interesting than being by herself). But that is just fine...I just keep telling myself I will have a fine partner someday! But as I write...all is quiet...which means: More art coming soon!
OH, and PS: I got a new 50 mm camera lens this weekend (Pentax SMCP-FA 50mm f1.4). I can finally take pics inside my aptarment! I am in love!
Scrap Owls, sewing lessons and what to do with your 3 year old when they stop napping.
I think this is it. I really hope not, but this might be the beginning of the end. Have you noticed how I haven't had much new art work up lately? Yes, I have had family in town, and I have been busy with the shipping/packing side of things. But the biggest reason? Addie has decided she "doesn't sleep in the day." I spent the first half of the week panicking. This is MY only time in the day to really WORK, and I have been in denial that this day would come. She still needs a nap, and I really hope we can fit in a few per week before they dissipate completely. (I may sound really calm...but behind this computer screen, tears of agony are streaming down my face!)
So Friday comes around, and after 45 minutes of trying every creative way to sleep my toddler, we sit on the couch and read together. She picks up "Pottery Barn Kids" (which by the way, I am becoming more and more impressed with!) and after a few pages, spots an Owl Softie on a model bed, and says "Mommy, can we make this?"
As upset as I was that I was losing precious work time to my stubborn toddler, my heart melted! Don't most kids say "Can I have this?" I am sure I did. The fact she knew that she could make something like that got me really excited. And since I am used to working hard and creatively during nap time anyways, I said "YES!"
So, I dusted off my sewing machine (literally!) and we got to work. Addie and I drew a pattern with green crayon, And she helped me cut it out, helped me pick the fabrics from my scraps, place the pins, and she proudly sat on my lap while I sewed it on the machine. (Oh, and yes, Addie is "wearing her skin" as she calls it. We cannot keep clothes on this child. She does however have a wicked tan line that could easily pass for a shirt!)
I digress. Please people...don't look close here! I am a sloppy sewer, and with a very impatient and very wiggly three year old on my lap ("Mommy, let's make her wings now!! Now!!") I was in no mood for perfection. By bed time, she was all but stuffed, but Addie still slept with her anyways! We stuffed her this morning, and they haven't parted since! For a girl who dreams of princesses, mermaids and sparkely jewels, I was tickled that she would be so attracted to Owls (very trendy girl, eh?). She did, however, name her Owl Ariel.
So, here we have Ariel, the nocturnal (wink wink), motherly, orange and pink bird who seems to me to have quite a sense of humor! She must since she is so tolerant of her big over-sized beak, crooked head, floppy legs, button eyes I stole from a sweater, and the fact that we made her pregnant...or motherly...depending on the location of the baby owl in her poscket. We sure love her though! She fits my Addie to a T. And though I am in no way celebrating a napless afternoon, I am celebrating that Addie is learning that good things don't grow on trees. Somebody had to make that toy, or doll, or car or brownie. She is so interested in sewing, and though I am not a proficient seamstress, I am just glad that her 3 year old eyes can't tell! And now, I may just be back to getting up before the crack of dawn to get my work done...but at least Addie has nocturnal friend to stay up with when she should be sleeping!
If babies aren't happy, ain't nobody happy.
We have some new friends that have kept us very very busy as of late. We don't answer the phones. If there is a knock at the door, we gladly ignore it. We have nearly forgotten to eat! Last week we went on a family outing to the toy store and picked up a bucket of THESE. They have demanded our full attention and it is no wonder that they have been around since 1913. They have been around for 95 years for a reason! I am sure we are the last family on earth to finally have them in our home, but seriously, they are the greatest toy invented! And best thing yet...Addie and Ian have been so busy and so happy all week! Toys that have never ending possibilities for play are my favorite! And for the first time in a while, I actually don't mind the constant mess on the floor. Well...almost. Let's rephrase that..I don't mind the happy toddlers I have had this week!
au revoir!
My little brother (well, he isn't so little any more) is leaving to serve a mission for our church in Geneva Switzerland tomorrow. He will be in Switerland for 2 years teaching and giving service and I couldn't be more proud of him. I am the oldest of five kids (this pic was our last siblings picture taken at the beach where we all crammed into this massive hole the Christopher dug...Christopher is the second from the right) and I love my family so much! We are a bunch of weirdos, but we sure have a lot of fun! We will miss you terribly Christopher, but we love you and can't wait to hear about your amazing experiences!
But mom, I was just trying to make the couch look pretty!
Ya. Famous last words after her affair with a purple crayon.
That isn't the crayon in her's a straw. But this is the "I'm gonna be funny" face that she thinks can get her out of trouble:) Why do kids have to be so cute even when they destroy furniture?