Thanks so much you guys! Over 700 of you filled out the survey from last week and it really did give me such a glimpse into what you guys value and love about coming here!

I've really learned a lot about what your favorite products are, what you would like to see more of, and what you love seeing here on the blog. I'm just so energized by hearing your input!

It might sound silly, because I have a public space where I can communicate often with you, but designing and creating a business can be a very lonely road. Mostly because my creations are my own....and even though I've been doing this for almost 5 years now, there is that nagging feeling of "Will anyone even like this?"  Creating from your heart while trying to make sure that people are still connecting to you and your work is a balance that I find very enjoyable....but it can be lonely at times! So, hearing your feedback and input was just what I needed. Thank you!

Here's a print I did this weekend and I'll be making more to release in about a week-ish. More Out to Sea inspired artwork and stuff to go with the fabric that you are starting to find store!


Have a lovely Monday, everyone! And thanks again!

PS: The coupon code at the end of the survey is valid only through Monday, so don't forget!
