dancing upon 2012

I came across a poem in October that I haven't been able to get out of my mind.

Had I the heavens’ embroidered cloths, Enwrought with golden and silver light, The blue and the dim and the dark cloths Of night and light and the half light, I would spread the cloths under your feet: But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

~ W.B. Yeats

Do you know that one? I found it while watching videos of this brilliant man, and he referred to it in regards to eductation and what we are offering our children.

It makes me think about what children offer to the world, and how we, in the name of responsibility, sense, reason or just plan ignorance, often sweep it underfoot. Or, worse, step on it.  Sometimes twice. It makes me pause to think.

I am still a dreamer. And yet I am responsible for 3 little dreamers. I take that very seriously. Very.

I watched the Muppet Movie over Christmas holiday. I cried. Twice. And not just because I am a Muppet Fan. But because I believe in dreams. The basic good in people. The power of seeing something that doesn't yet exist, but could. That's what life is about really. Chasing the things that really matter, but might seem silly in the eyes of an ever changing world.

So this year, I'm resolving to do more than just lose weight, get our little home more organized,  journal our family's life better, and be healthier (which was last year's list. And the year before...oh dear.)

This year, I'm resolving to lose the stress and let the harsh world stay away a little bit more.

Laugh more

Dream more

Pay attention to silly ideas

Color my world brighter

Listen to those tiny whispers of an idea

Get on the floor and play more

You'd think that because I'm an artist for children that I spend my days in la-la land with pencils and crayons, creating mermaids and rockets with my kids all day. Ha! I wish.  On the contrary, I'm constantly in a battle between the stresses of motherhood and my own creativity.  It's a balancing act that I fight for every day. Truly.

Like today, when I had a fantastic idea I wanted to illustrate on even just scrap paper or a napkin even...but we ended up doing dental work on one child, a spontaneous new school visit for another child, a no nap day for the other child....and pretty soon my mind is in a "can we afford this?...My kitchen is a mess!...how can we rearrange our schedule to make this work?...Ack! the library books are due....Ooops...I forgot to call so-and-so....Don't forget to go sign the kid's school papers....Turn around...you missed the exit...." and so on and so on.  Not to mention the hours and hours of work I do daily.

The Mommy Brain I call it. And while that is all part of being a parent, it challenges the space I have in my heart for the things that make life beautiful, or are too whimsical to make it to the top of the list. And oooooooh that list gets long. The stress of a parent is my biggest enemy.  I confess that I've become a worrier. Something a parent can only really understand.  You know what I mean?

Silly, really.

So this year....2012

I'm waking up more lighthearted. I'm believing in what's in my gut. I'm listening to my children's unfinished and messy ideas. I'm offering my heart and not my head. I'm letting go of the worry.

What about you? Are you re-evaluating the way you are seeing this year?

Me too.




Oh! PS:


I almost forgot to tell you! I don't think that I mentioned that the 2012 Calendar is 50% off now! There's a limit on these ones...just so you are aware. And I while I made these last year, it sure seems to fit my feelings as of late:)

Available here and here.