Oh, So Snuggly

Did you know that Children at Play has a flannel line?

When I made this Racer Stripe fabric, I was thinking "pajamas" all the way. Good old "Leave it to Beaver" button up PJ's. Aren't they perfect? My husband say's he's next in line for some.

I wasn't exactly sure when the flannels would be ready for sale, so getting a package in the mail a couple weeks ago was quite the treat!

The Flannels are in the Over the Fence colorway...so lots of orange, blue and cream.

We've been getting ready for school to start (so many mixed feelings!) and since Addie and Ian will both be going full day (in contrast to last year, when they were only gone from me some days and for 1/2 day, this is a big transition!) Right now, their school clothes are laid out of their first day tomorrow, I have made my VERY FIRST set of school lunches (I feel like  real mom now!) and I even had some new pajamas made for them to celebrate. These two were both for Ian, but Addie's nightgown isn't done yet, and she likes them just as much!

EDIT: This pattern is a 'New Look' Pattern (subcompany of Simplicity)#6746

But did you see? Oliver & S just came out with a great PJ pattern for their fall release in Sept.

We are ready for school to start! Although, I really do wish we had more lazy mornings!

And in case you think my children pose for me perfectly every time, here's proof that photoshoots take all morning.

Happy Monday!